Sat Nam, This week we will be working on the 8th body in our series,…

Fifth Sutra in our Series “Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos shall clear a path”, Valentines Day class and The Power of “I am” Workshop
Sat Nam,
We’re in for another big week energetically with Valentines Day on Wednesday that although is supposed to be a day about love (and there is lots of love happening) may often bring up allot of internal stuff for many and there’s also a partial solar eclipse on Thursday! What great timing to work on our final sutra in the series “Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos shall clear a path”.
What does that mean? Joseph Campbell talks about following our bliss and doors will open where there were once walls.
In Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist the old King teaches the boy to connect to the soul of the world and when we go in search of our personal legend the whole universe conspires to help us.
There are many different versions of these teachings which come down to this; when we vibrate the Cosmos we are in harmony with the Universe and when we are in harmony with the Universe anything that our soul desires is possible. A sure sign that we are not vibrating the Cosmos is fear, anxiety and blocks along our path and/or within.
I find that when my vibration is in harmony with the Universe my life flows and opportunities seem to pop up all around me. Even when there are issues I can move through them with relative ease.
Meditation, yoga and spending time in nature are some of the best ways for me to connect with the Cosmos. It takes me to my Shunia point (zero point) where I am one with all and am infinite. It is at this point I can also recognise how to work through the other four Sutras. I really begin to feel the limitless possibilities available to me as in this space fear, time and blocks don’t exist. I am at peace with the world and my world is at peace with me. It is the gateway and road that connects me to my purpose and when I live in my purpose I nourish my soul, other souls and the soul of the world. How wonderful!
Whatever way you connect to your soul whether it be Yoga, a walk in nature, painting, gardening etc just keep doing it. In this day and age we need as many people connected to the vibration of the Universe and each other as possible!
How do you connect to your soul?
This week I will be covering Robbie’s classes at Kundalini Healing and on Wednesday night at 6.30pm be teaching a special Valentines Day Class at her studio in Bellevue Hill and there will be chocolate! On Saturday at 1.00pm I’m teaching a workshop on The Power of “I am”, more details on that one below. For more info on any of these, just reply to this email.
Classes this week at Soul Flow and Kundalini Healing:
6.30 on Monday – Adette (Double Bay)
7.15pm Tuesday – Renae (covering for Adette)
6.30pm Wednesday – Adette (Bellevue Hill)
9.30am Thursday – Adette
1.00pm Saturday – Adette (workshop)
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,
Addresses for Kundalini Healing:
Monday: Cosmopolitan Centre, The Bay Room, Level 1, 45 Bay Street, Double Bay.
Wednesday: 48 Cranbrook Road, Bellevue Hill