Sat Nam, This week we will be working on the 8th body in our series,…

Welcome 2018 and exciting Series and Workshop coming up in January
Sat Nam,
Welcome to 2018!
I attended a Kundalini workshop on New Years Eve with Yogi Maya and she asked us to put down a word or affirmation for this coming year and at first my word was ‘believe’ but over the past few days I’ve realised that’s not my word, my word for 2018 is ‘trust’.
I was thinking allot about my relationship with trust this week. In the past, I have (and still do sometimes) try to control an outcome, have wanted all the facts before I attempt certain things, have had (and still do) an irrational fear of physical challenges such as rock climbing and most obviously have suffered from chronic anxiety and panics attacks for years before finding Kundalini Yoga. I realised although I’ve vastly improved I still am lacking in complete trust in myself and for what the Universe has lined up for me.
It really became apparent when I was down at Icebergs doing doing a Yang class and the teacher asked us to go into Crow Pose which is a pose where we balance our knees onto our elbows. I’ve done Yang Yoga for a couple of years now and have never been able to master this pose. Our teacher gave instructions to drop our hands to the floor and trust and it hit me, that’s why I can’t do this pose because I don’t trust myself to hold myself up. This is also the foundation for not trusting myself to hold myself up in life in situations where I may get really hurt either physically or emotionally and I believe this is what has hindered me from really moving forward to my full potential.
So this year my word is trust. I will trust in myself and I will trust in the universe. I will do things that fall outside of my comfort zone even if they scare me and trust that both myself and the universe have my back.
What’s your word for 2018?
Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
Tuesday 7.15pm – Anastasia covering for Adette
Thursday 9.30am – Adette
I also have some exciting workshops coming up at Soul Flow Yoga!
I will be starting a five week series:
‘A Journey through the Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age’
starting Tuesday, 16 January at 7.15 and Thursday 18 January at 9.30am.
I will also be running a 2 hour workshop ‘The Power of “I am”. Living your Intention for 2018’ on Saturday, 20 Jan at 1.00pm. More on both of these in next week’s newsletter.
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,