Sat Nam, This week we will be working on the 8th body in our series,…

Super blue blood full lunar eclipse and the third Sutra ‘When the time is on you start and the pressure will be off’
Sat Nam,
This is going to be one powerful week! On Wednesday night we have a super, blue, blood moon total lunar eclipse in Leo! What a mouthful and so much happening in one night! Suffice to say, this is going to produce some powerful energy. Physically you may feel tired and the tides will be extra high. Energetically is where the big stuff will be happening. As our energy moves with the moon it will be a great time to close some doors and open new ones. I will be teaching a special full moon class on Thursday morning and again on Friday night in the wake of this transformative energy.
This week I will also be teaching the third Sutra in our series on Sutras of the Aquarian Age ‘When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off’.
Although on a whole I’m pretty good at starting something that needs to be done, like most of us I have been known to procrastinate. A great example of that for me was getting started as a yoga teacher.
Each step on my teaching journey has been a tentative one with a fair bit of procrastination in between. When I decided to do teacher training I never intended on becoming a teacher. Once complete the call to teach became strong but I was scared. I’ve always had a fear of presenting in front of others, scared I’d bottle it and not know what to do or say, so at first I wouldn’t teach. But it was my time to teach and deep down I knew that, so the calling to teach became stronger. I would sit in class and imagine myself up the front as the teacher and feel disappointed in myself that I didn’t have the courage to do it, whilst also justifying to myself why it wasn’t for me.
One day that pressure got to much and I thought what’s the worst that can happen, and I bit the bullet and taught my first class. Although I was still hesitant for a while, once I really got started the momentum took me and I found my groove. The more I taught the more I wanted to teach and doors of opportunity to teach started opening for me and here I am today, a regular teacher. I often think about how it was just the decision to start that got me going.
I find it’s the same on my mat. Once I start a Kriya or a pose and get into it the momentum of a posture takes over and I feel the pressure of how am I going to do this leave me. I may stop and start, but I’ve begun and there’s no turning back from that.
How do you go about starting something?
“REFLECTION: The Universe is change. Change is constant so why not embrace it? It is time for you to make changes in your life. Take the first step, no matter how small, and you will feel the pressure immediately start to ease up. This will give you the momentum to keep changing and growing.” Haribhajan Singh
Classes this week at Soul Flow:
7.15pm Tuesday – Adette
9.30am Thursday – Adette
6.30pm Friday – Full Moon Workshop with Adette
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,