Sat Nam, This week we will be working on the 8th body in our series,…

Second Sutra of the Aquarian Age – There is a way though every block
Sat Nam,
This week we will be exploring the second Sutra of the Aquarian Age ‘There is a way through every block’.
What does it mean to be blocked?
For me as the word suggests a block whether it be physical, mental or energetic, blocks my path from moving forward to where my purpose lies. Through both life experience and sitting on my mat I’ve learnt there are a number of ways through a block. I can persevere and bit by bit chisel away at what is blocking my path so to freely move forward, I can have patience and allow the block to organically dissolve or I can let go of what’s blocking me, so the block no longer hinders my travels.
I’ve also found that when I’m in a state of gratitude my blocks tend to dissolve, even if it’s only for that moment so continuing this practice gives me light and I begin to navigate a way forward. Being of service has also helped me greatly, as whilst in service to others I no longer focus on my needs and giving love is always a great force in dissolving barriers.
I’ve also learnt that getting through a block does not mean I will get exactly what I want, when I want and how I want every time as sometimes what I want is the block. Although difficult at times I’m learning to let go of the outcome I perceive best and allow the universe to take over so I may flow again.
Through Kundalini Yoga Ive learned how to move through blocks. The Kriyas challenge me to either, persevere, have patience or just let go. They open my heart and let light in so I can see my way forward.
How ever we get through a block, there is always light waiting for us on the other side.
How do you get through blocks?
Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
Tuesday 7.15pm – Adette
Thursday 9.30am – Adette
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,