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February Astrology with Zoe Yelds

February is truly a mixed bag of planetary energy with the eccentric, rebellious energy of Aquarius stirring the pot.

The month begins on the 1st with the full Moon in Leo. This Moon energy will ask us to have fun & enjoy the month ahead. To “lighten up” and spend time with the people we love the most. Letting go of anyone or any situation that feels heavy or dull. This is a month to open up to new possibilities and be spontaneous.

The Sun is in Aquarius at the start of the month carried through from the tail end of January. This is great energy for change. If you are being presented with an opportunity for change this energy will assist it. So I would say if your deliberating or sitting on the fence, this month is the time to go for it!

Aquarius energy can often be experienced as chaotic or erratic. This is liberating for those with air signs who are Aquarians, Librans & Gemini’s. They will all be feeling an injection of energy that could manifest in new idea’s. Creativity is heightened by Aquarian energy so if you’re looking to start any creative pursuit or simply need a boost, use this month to get started. Find out which one of your friends has an Aquarian star sign & spend time with them. You’ll be in for a fun & wild ride! Venus & Mercury are also in Aquarius at the start of the month adding communication & value to this unpredictable energy.

It can be disruptive and challenging as much as its fun. If you are having a hard time at the start of the month & feel overwhelmed, don’t worry. This energy will change as well. Understand that whatever changes are happening in your life are happening as part of the bigger plan for your life. Look for the unique inventive ways to solve your challenges & you’ll come out of it well.

The mixed bag of energy comes from the placement of all of the planets.

Mars will be in Sagittarius giving us more motivation to travel & look for other places to be. This is in harmony with Aquarius & could add a little fuel to the fire if you’re in the creative zone…

Saturn has now moved into Capricorn and will be here until March 2020. Saturn in Capricorn is a very stern serious energy. This will for the next two years ask us to get serious about the structure of our societies & how we live. This really is the point of major change for us as a species on planet Earth. To get the most out of this energy now more than ever is the time to set up solid foundations in our lives. Get ourselves living responsibly. This is a slow moving transit as it goes for just over two years. So make small adaptations & begin (if you haven’t already) building strong stable foundations. As the world moves & changes our new structures and the foundations we build now will be the basis of our long term survival.

Capricorn is an earth sign. So healing the Earth & being responsible for how we use this great planet to live on is so important. When Saturn meets with Pluto in Capricorn in April 2019 we will be looking at either destruction or transformation. So the changes we make now are critical.

The challenge with the energy for us at the start of the month is that Aquarius asks us to play and be rebellious while Capricorn asks us to be responsible & practical. So if you feel a bit of a push pull going on somewhere in your life this is the energy we have, stirring us up a bit. Look at getting creative, creating change & having a good time while it’s balanced with responsibly and taking care of each other. This is then clashing energy working together.

The second half of the month the beautiful watery energy of Pisces flows in. The Sun & Mercury move into Pisces on the 19th. Open up at the end part of the month to ancient wisdom or inner wisdoms. Speak to the older relatives in your family and ask them for their wisdom or guidance. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac & some say the wisest energy, as it is an accumulation of all the signs that have come before it. Our dreams are often messages through Pisces so it’s a great time to have a pen & paper by the bed to write down anything that comes to you when you wake up.

Daydreaming will become stronger and the need to disconnect from the reality of the day to day. To stay on track allow yourself time in either the day or the week to just let go and dream. The Saturn in Capricorn energy will still be working in the background & will keep us grounded. Allow a little escapism at the end of the month & be sure to not let it get out of hand. There will be harsh lessons to learn if we let go completely into this Pisces energy.

So you can see it is a real mixed bag of energy this month. Being graceful, having some fun, staying practical & responsible all at the same time.

The kundalini kriya I’ll be focusing on this month is the Kriya for Creativity. I’ll also be committing to & maintaining my daily yoga practice to honour the Saturn & Capricorn energy & set strong healthy foundations in each day.
If your feeling the pressure of this mixed bag I’d love you to book a consultation with me so we can look deeply into what is asking of for you.

Email me:

Big Love & Peace,


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