Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

Welcome Summer and a Super Moon in Gemini
Sat Nam,
Welcome summer! I love this time of the year! Time for the beach and although Christmas can be quite hectic, I love the spirit of Christmas. Growing up Jewish, I didn’t have a big Christmas, so it’s always been a special time for me. Mum would let me have a small tree in my room and take me to see Santa every year. I’ve always believed in Santa and still do! When a friend questioned me on how I could possibly believe in Santa my answer was simple, how can he not be real when millions of children believe in him all over the world with all their hearts. It’s the spirit of their belief that I also believe in, the excitement, the wonder, that feeling that magic and miracles can actually happen! It’s so important to have and I believe what keeps us young at heart and connected to the magic of life.
There’s also some intense energy in the air with Christmas just around the corner, Mercury going retrograde and a super full moon in Gemini peaking in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
This is the one and only super moon for this year and the last full moon in 2017 and its energy is strong. Full moons are a time for letting go and being the end of the year a good time to release what no longer serves you so you can enter 2018 with a clean slate. Do whatever it is you need to do to drop what doesn’t work for you.
I will be teaching a full moon workshop next Friday at 6.30pm so we can take the opportunity to harness the super moon energy in order to release and move forward.
I will also be teaching the Ten Bodies Kriya in my classes this week to tie up all the great work we’ve done in our series. Thanks to all who participated, I’ve loved your enthusiasm for this series. ?
Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
7.15pm Tuesday – Adette
9.30am Thursday – Adette
6.30pm Friday – Adette (full moon workshop)
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,