Sat Nam, This week we will be working on the 8th body in our series,…

Time to release..
Sat Nam,
How intense is the energy in the air at the moment with the waning super moon, Mercury going retrograde and the lead up to Christmas! I know I’ve been feeling it and have been doing lots of yoga to work through and harness this energy.
It also got me thinking about the phases of the moon and how once the moon has reached fruition, as it starts to wane, it seems to slowly drop parts of itself until it becomes new again. I feel that this is exactly what we as humans are meant to do in life. We come to completion of a cycle and in the wake of that completion we drop away what’s no longer needed. But often instead of releasing what’s not needed, after completion we energetically hold onto stuff making it difficult to bring in the new.
I’ve also noticed this phase of life in each posture of my yoga practice. As I build up into a posture and hold it for some time my resistance and self talk come up as I centre myself to find peace in the pose and as the posture comes to fruition and I release it, that’s also when the magic happens. It’s the time between the postures where I make space for the energy of life to do its work and get me ready for the next pose.
Next time you’re on the mat notice the phases of the set, of a posture, listen to your self talk and notice how you react and how your body, mind and energy embraces the pose. Then notice how you feel in the space in between the poses after release. Do you embrace the stillness or wriggle around waiting for the next pose not quite letting go of the one before? Often it’s the stillness that is more difficult to maintain than the action of the pose, because it’s in the stillness that we integrate what we have learnt, release and grow. Be aware of how you react and then take that awareness into life. How do you navigate your way through each action, do you allow stillness between the actions of life and do you truly release when something has come to completion?
I invite you to try this little exercise. Sit down somewhere quiet and allow yourself to be still for a few minutes, then write down on a piece of paper what you want to release from 2017 and burn it. This ritual is a powerful way of making a statement to yourself and the universe on what you’re letting go of.
Food for thought as we move through the last stages of 2017 and enter 2018.
Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
Tuesday 7.15pm – Adette
Thursday 9.30am – Adette
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,