Sat Nam, This week we will be working on the 8th body in our series,…

Summer Solstice and a break for the holidays
Sat Nam,
This week we have summer solstice on Thursday night. This Solstice here in the Southern Hemisphere will be the longest day of the year and in the Northern Hemisphere they will have Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and yogis all around the world celebrate this day as it’s a powerful time energetically.
Enza from Soul Flow Yoga summed it up perfectly in these five points:
1. Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, energetically the Sun’s healing energy is at its strongest
2. By consciously practicing gratitude for all the blessings you’ve received in the past year you put yourself in harmony with the vibration of prosperity
3. Summer solstice is a gateway into the next part of the year, a great time to set new intentions and clarify your goals
4. At Summer Solstice you shushumna or central energy channel opens so that the effects of all spiritual practice is amplified
5. t’s a pivot point in the earth’s yearly cycle, a time to stop and take stock of past year and identify what you’ve learned.
Being a gateway to a new cycle (something we talked about last week) in this part of the world we’re heading towards the shortest day, and like the moon dropping parts of itself to start again, we are given the opportunity to release and shed what no longer serves us in order to make way for the new.
Yogi Bhajan says:
“At a solstice you have to break your patterns. You are here to go through certain changes. And you cannot live intellectually all your life. You have to live by the power of your soul.”
Enza will hold a special workshop on Thursday night at Soulflow Yoga and I will be teaching a special class this week in celebration of solstice.
These will be my last classes for this year and I’ll be back teaching Thursday, 4 Jan.
Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and joyous Christmas and New Year, and whatever you believe, wherever you are, may your holiday season be full of love and enjoyment.
Classes this week at Soulflow Yoga:
7.15pm Tuesday – Adette
9.30am Thursday – Adette
6.30pm Thursday – Special Solstice Workshop with Enza
See you in the mat. ❤️
Love and light,