Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

The Tenth Body in our Ten Body Series – The Radiant Body
Sat Nam,
How good has the weather been!! Summer is just around the corner and the warmth and vibrant energy of the sun is so much in line with this week’s body, the tenth and final body in our Ten Body series, The Radiant Body.
The Radiant Body is our shine. It’s often described as the band of light that sits on top of the Aura. The stronger our energy, the brighter our light, the more our Radiant Body shines. It’s easy to spot someone with a strong Radiant Body, they have a presence that is magnetic and they are well lit. The Dalai Lama is a great example of someone with a strong Radiant Body, he just lights up a room and most people no matter how conscious are drawn to him.
Wearing white and growing your hair long are great ways to enhance the Radiant Body. The white attracts the light and gives an ethereal feeling and growing your hair long behaves like antennae’s bringing in energy. They say when feeling dull wash your hair and comb it with a wooden comb and this will also enhance the Radiant Body.
And of course a daily practice of yoga and meditation is the best way to really strengthen the Radiant Body and shine. Eleven minutes of a meditation is all you need early in the morning to start your day with a shine!
This week in class we will work on a Kriya with Archer Pose a great pose to strengthen the Radiant Body.
Last week I got a bit confused and shared I was covering Enza’s classes, that’s actually this week! ?. I will be working on her creative series and this week’s theme is overcoming fear.
Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga:
9,30am Tuesday – Adette (covering for Enza)
7.15pm Tuesday – Adette
12.25pm Wednesday – Adette (covering for Enza)
9.30am Thursday – Adette
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,