Sat Nam, This week we are working on the second body and the first of…
The Seventh Body in our Ten Body Series – The Auric Body
Sat Nam,
I’m back from my beautiful, rejuvenating trip to Byron and am feeling reignited. I felt before I left a little flat and just a few days in the magic of Byron my batteries are charged and ready to go and it’s good timing as this week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body Series – The Auric Body.
The Auric Body is the energy field around our body. It can beam around 3-9 feet around the body and works as our protective shield. It’s the energetic body that gives out the energy of who we are.
“A strong arcline protects one from the thoughts and projections of those distant to us, but the aura protects us from those in close proximity to us. Often people dislike crowds and feel threatened by the energy of others need to strengthen their auras. Insecurity is a sign of needing to strengthen your aura. A strong aura brings you strength, health and an angelic nature. It leads to serenity and security. People with strong auras are often very heart centered. The Auric Body connects to the Pineal gland (bringing intelligence) and corresponds to the immune system (bringing health). To increase either intuition or health, strengthen the aura. The aura is created by the flow of prana through energy meridians. Strong prana helps to increase this flow and build up the aura, leading to a synergistic relationship with the Pranic Body. A strong Auric Body leads to more strength in the Pranic Body, which is turn pumps out more prana for the aura to build on.”
Ramdesh Kaur, Spirit Voyage
Some lucky people are gifted enough to see the Aura and have described it as the colours of the Chakras. I’ve had my Aura photographed and read and it’s so interesting. Mine’s often full of white, green, blue and pink which is the Crown, Heart, Throat and Third Eye and without knowing me they’ve told me I should teach, where as my friend who is someone who loves to use her intelligence is often full of yellow which is creative ideas.
Our Auras can change and can be dulled by how we feed it and grow, so what we take into our lives, for example stress, toxic relationships, alcohol, drugs, poor food choice etc can dull it and healthy food, healthy relationships, yoga, meditation, nature, rest, prana can ignite it. When I first started Kundalini Yoga and had my aura photographed, it was mostly white with splashes of other colours, when I had it photographed a few months back, it was more intense, with allot more green and blue happening, so there’s more heart energy and communication. I love that!
Kundalini Yoga is a great way to cleanse the Aura and strengthen it. Ego Eradicator is an excellent breath to strengthen the Aura. Three minutes a day and you’ll be shining!
Classes this week at Soul Flow Yoga
7.15 Tuesday – Adette
9.30am Thursday – Adette
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,