Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, the one day of the year…

The story of Bamboo and Akaal beautiful Connie Johnson
Sat Nam,
I was in class on Saturday morning chatting to one of the students about how she felt she needed to do more to go deeper within herself and become more open, so whilst she was walking along the beach she asked for a sign from the powers that be that she was on the right track and she looked up to see a pod of dolphins swimming in the waves. It reminded me of my own big turning point nearly six years ago now when I was going through a tough breakup and I was looking for something to help me go deeper and become more open. This one morning I was down at the beach reading Paulo Coelho’s Aleph and he was talking about how he was in a spiritual rut and I so related. He said he was sitting at the airport reading a magazine and there was an article on Chinese Bamboo. It said:
“Once the seed has been sown, you see nothing for about 5 years, apart from a tiny shoot. All the growth takes place underground, where a complex root system reaching upward and outward is being established. Then at the end of the fifth year, the bamboo suddenly shoots up to a height of twenty five meters.”
He said he realised that he was bamboo and all the work he had been doing underneath was going to flourish and it was in that moment I had an awakening, I too am bamboo! I was so excited I rang my bestie to tell her I’m bamboo and I think she thought I’d gone nuts. I left the beach on such a high and there at the top of the stairs was a bamboo furniture van with bamboo painted all over it, with the writing bamboo across it and I was blown away! For me it was a sign that the powers that be agreed, yes I am bamboo and a couple of weeks later I discovered Kundalini yoga and began to really grow.
We are all bamboo planting seeds and growing the foundations underneath not really knowing the extent of what’s being achieved until one day we suddenly shoot up to reach for the stars.
I look back on that moment nearly six years ago and know in my heart it was the beginning of what has been and will continue to be an incredible time of growth, transformation and flourishing.
This week I was also so sad to hear that Connie Johnson from Love Your Sister passed. For those of you who haven’t heard of her, she is a legend of a human being who has tirelessly with her brother Sam and her team dedicated herself to raising money and awareness to fight cancer all the while fighting her own almost lifetime battle with cancer which heartbreakingly she is has now lost. She left this planet smiling with the love of her family, friends and a whole village of people like me who love and respect her and she also was awarded the Order of Australia which is so well deserved.
Connie leaves a legacy that has helped so many by bringing a community together to support each other, to fight cancer by bringing awareness through her own battle and raising funds, and her and her brother Sam also taught me that a few people on a mission can make a huge difference.
It reminds me of the Margaret Mead quote:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
RIP Connie you will live on through your legacy and in our hearts. Akaal. ??
Classes this week:
7.15pm Tuesday – Adette at Soul Flow
9.30am Thursday – Adette at Soul Flow
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,