Sat Nam, This week we are working on the Seventh Body in our Ten Body…

Happy Equinox, the Ten Body series starting with the Soul Body
Sat Nam,
Happy Equinox! What an auspicious time for new beginnings with a new moon in Virgo and Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) last Wednesday and Spring Equinox yesterday! Herald in the official arrival of Spring! Wahe Guru!
I feel it’s such an awesome time to harness this powerful energy of new beginnings and to celebrate I’m starting a ten week series on the Ten Bodies, starting this week with the first body the Soul Body. Each week I will focus on a different body in my yoga classes.
The yogis teach us that the human being has ten bodies:
The Soul Body
The Negative Mind
The Positive Mind
The Negative Mind
The Physical Body
The Arc Line
The Auric Body
The Pranic Body
The Subtle Body
The Radiant Body
The Soul Body is my fave if you were to have a fave, :) it’s our essence, our truth, and our infinite self. It connects us to all, is a part of the whole and uniquely ours. It loved us eternally and unconditionally, it guides us, speaks to us, cheers us on and is always, always in our corner and has our back. It is our best friend!
The Simpsons have a great episode where Bart sells his soul to someone and all the light leaves his life, he is joyless, has no colour, life force or love in his world. Lisa buys it back for him and he becomes alive once more full of faith, love and joy! When Bart asks her if she believes in God, she replies, “I don’t know if there’s a God, but I do know there’s something bigger than Mum and Dad combined”. That’s our soul.
For more great info on the Ten Bodies and The Soul Body, check out Spirit Voyage or 3HO’s websites.
The Kundalini Yoga Festival is nearly here and there’s still time to buy tickets. It runs from Friday 29 September to Monday 2 October at Mangrove Yoga Centre. This is an exciting event where you can experience the essence of community as you immerse yourself in the Kundalini practice. It will host our wonderful homegrown teachers and some amazing international teachers who will be running classes and workshops. For more information please go to Kundalini Yoga Festival on Facebook and book your tickets!
Classes this week:
7.15pm Tuesday – Adette
9.30am Thursday – Adette
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,