Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, the one day of the year…
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection”, Winter Solstice
Sat Nam,
This week we explore the virtue vulnerability. Vulnerability for so many in today’s society including myself can be so daunting as in order to be vulnerable we must have the courage to be open, be really seen, let go of control and be able to put ourselves out there.
Brène Brown, one of my favourite teachers does an incredible Ted X talk on the Power of Vulnerability that I highly recommend. She says vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling of worthiness, and I completely agree. She further explains in order to avoid vulnerability, many of us numb our emotions with exterior distractions and addictions like work, alcohol etc so we don’t have to feel the bad stuff. But here’s the kicker, we can’t numb the bad stuff without also numbing the good stuff like love, joy and compassion. She says that in order to connect and dare greatly (she uses Teddy Roosevelt’s quote on Daring Greatly as her mantra) we must have the courage to allow ourselves to be open, present and feel all our emotions, good and bad. In this state we can then connect to love, bliss, compassion, healing, creativity, other people and our life’s purpose.
When I first started practicing Kundalini Yoga and my teacher had me sticking my tongue out, chanting weird mantras and doing difficult poses I felt unsure, exposed and silly sometimes and my ego wanted me to get the heck out of there. But the euphoric feeling I got after my first class had me hooked, so I pushed though the uncomfortableness and allowed myself to be vulnerable and connect to myself through my practice.
Kundalini Yoga is designed to bring out vulnerability with its out there poses and that’s one of the many things that makes it so great. It gives us a safe space to be ourselves, push through the unsure moments and be willing to be seen. Practicing vulnerability like this allows us to learn to become comfortable in this state so we may then open up, be seen and feel in our every day lives.
What’s your relationship with vulnerability and how does it affect your life?
This week we have Winter Solstice. Solstice is a very powerful time of the year where we have the opportunity to heal, recalibrate and prepare ourselves for the coming time ahead. Yogi Maya will teach a beautiful workshop on Thursday night at the Bay room in Double Bay. To book, you can find the event on her Yogi Maya Facebook page.
Classes this week:
7.00pm Tuesday – Adette
9.30am Thursday – Soul Flow, will be a cover as Adette is away
7.00pm Thursday – Solstice Workshop with Yogi Maya in the Bay Room, Double Bay.
7.15am Friday – Bartek
See you on the mat. ❤
Love and light,