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April Astrology with Zoe

April begins with the fire power of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and so April is a great month for new beginnings. The Aries energy is all about action. Jumping in where angels fear to tread is a great motto for the Aries energy. Considering all of these things I would encourage us for the first part of the month to jump into situations that we would usually shy away from. This is a challenge energy and the challenge is to take action.

The planets in Aries at the beginning of the month are the Sun & Uranus. We are all being impacted by the Uranus transit in Aries at the moment. This energy is the complete & utter change in the world we are seeing at the moment. Uranus is said to be the great awakener & I know through my consultations & conversations, that everyone is having crazy events play out in their lives at the moment & are we are all wondering what is going on & why.

This to me, is the change of how we are living as a species. It feels massive and it is. So we will need to go through a fair amount of turmoil to find our new direction. Many of us are discovering new philosophy’s & becoming more aware about our modern life. With that we are making different decisions & trying out new ways.

If you are feeling this way & life is crazy for you at the moment the best way to harness the energy positively is to find new directions & new ways of thinking. Discover & create new ways of living. Avoiding change is only going to result in frustration & pain. Take it on as a challenge & you will come through the changes positively. This is then working with the flow of the Aries energy around us.

As the Sun is also in Aries working with Uranus there is even more emphasis on change this month. It’s as though a light is shining on an area of your life at the moment & forcing you to make a change. Don’t be afraid of it this, it is the perfect energy to go with & allow changes to happen.

There are some undying energies though working at a deeper level & not moving forward this month at the same time as the Sun & Uranus in Aries. Venus is retrograde until 15th of April.

The most important thing to know about retrograde energy, is that the energy of a given planet slows down to almost a stop.

If we try & keep moving forward when the energy isn’t their we find we come across road blocks & stop signs. Its feels like when you trip over. First there’s the initial fall where you feel surprised or shocked, then there’s a moment of embarrassment as we look around to see who’s watching & who might be laughing, if it’s a bad fall we sometimes then feel pain. Then finally we have to get motivated to get ourselves up & move forwards again.

This is exactly the flow of what will happen when we try and create new things & push forward when planets are retrograding.

Retrograding energy is a time to work on our inner qualities & focus on ourselves, rather than be projecting ourselves out to the world. Having time out & retreating are great ways of dealing with a retrograding month. This is when we should be giving ourselves permission to stop. Take a rest or have a holiday.

Each planet brings its own energy & therefore we look at which energy might we trip over with when a planet retrogrades.

Venus is all about our values & our ability to make money. So while Venus is retrograding until 15th of April. Save money rather than spending it. Look at ways you can consolidate. Reflect on, what are your true values around how you make money & are they aligned. Avoid making big purchases at this time. You might also find money is scarce in this period, this is then a challenge to live with what we have & find gratitude for how we can make ends meet. When Venus moves forwards on 15th we should see money start to come back in, making purchases now happen easily. If we have spent time in reflection we feel more aligned to our daily life & how we make our money. If the two aren’t aligned, as the energy starts to move forward on the 15th look at what kinds of changes you can make to realign your values & your money.

Mercury will also retrograde from the 10th of April until the 4th of May. Mercury is the communication energy. When Mercury retrogrades we find that our communication trips us up. We might say the wrong thing or speak before we think. To work positively with a Mercury retrograde we need to listen more than we speak. The best quote for this is retrograde is from the Dalai Lama “ When we speak we are just repeating what we already know, when we listen we learn. “ Meditation is also a great tool through a Mercury retrograde, if you find yourself getting stressed by life because there are so many starts & stops, download a meditation app & do a short 5 minute meditation each day. This will allow your energy to slow down & help you avoid the embarrassing or painful trip ups.

Saturn is also retrograding in April in Sagittarius. This is the exploration energy. We often find ourselves thinking the grass is always greener & try to match up to our neighbours. This can often be positive as it gives us the motivation to expand & grow. However as Saturn retrogrades we are being asked to focus on what we have right now. To look for the positives in our lives as it exists in the present day. The best quote I have for this Saturn retrograde is “ You may think the grass is always greener on the other side, but if you water your own grass it would be just as green.” Put the positive focus into your own life, you job, family & friends while Saturn retrogrades. You will be stunned how much joy there is to discover in your life exactly as it is right now when you look for it in the present moment.

Saturn is also known as Father Time, so a slow down retrograde with Saturn really is the gift of giving us time back. Enjoy each day & allow yourself a moment to slow down. Saturn will move forwards again in August. Look at the current season are you in Autumn or Spring & see if you can enjoy the whole season, This is your moment to discover how great your life really is & allow it to reveal some positive wisdom. Change the program of always be switched on & allow yourself time to stop the program.

It may sound as if there are a lot of retrogrades this month & there are some key areas to allow us to look within ourselves & slow down.

However the Sun will still be moving forwards in Aries so there will be that fire power.

As Aries is the first sign of the zodiac it is associated with our playful nature or child like energy. If you find the world becoming to much or too crazy, find your playful side. Go ride a bike, eat some ice cream or lollies or play a board game. You’ll forget your troubles & your energy will come back to you quickly as soon as you give yourself permission to have fun.

The kriya to assist you with this amazing month of change is the Sat Kriya as it works through all of our chakras. Allowing us to shift blocks that are deeply rooted in our energy fields its said to be even better than therapy.

The mantra for this month is Ardas Bhaee as it “Answers the call of our soul and gives us what we need to make it through.”

Is your life a bit crazy at the moment? Are you in a whirlwind of change & looking for direction?

I’d love to work with you with the astrology energies available to you.

Email me at or send me a message on facebook @the zoechannel

Big Love & Peace,


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