Sat Nam, This week we are working on the second body and the first of…
Community, paying it forward and Yogi Maya’s new moon workshop
Last Friday was One Waves 24th Birthday. It always gives me goosebumps to watch them come together as surfers in their fluorescent colours to conquer mental health issues as a community.
It got me thinking about the Kundalini community. I’ve not experienced in any other style of yoga the community spirit Kundalini has to offer. I can go to any class in the world and be welcomed as a kindred spirit and fellow Kundalini yogi. It’s one of the great things I love about this yoga we’re like a big global family.
So this week when my friend Liz and I went out for dinner we got talking about this and the concept of paying it forward. Her boss had given all his employees a meal voucher to take a friend out to dinner and pay it forward so to speak. We wanted to take the concept of paying it forward into our Kundalini community, so for the month of April, I am offering a free class to anyone who would like to pay the Kundalini blessings forward by bringing a friend. This is valid for my Monday night classes only and you must bring a friend to get the free class for you and your friend.
Lets keep building our incredible community and pay it forward by sharing these amazing teachings.
On Tuesday night Yogi Maya will be holding a new moon workshop. This is the first new moon of the astrological year and promises to be powerful. The cost is $30 and the workshop will go for 2 hours. You can book through Yogi Maya’s Facebook page or turn up on the night.
Classes this week:
7.00pm Monday – Adette
7.00pm Tuesday – Maya (workshop)
7.15am Friday – Bartek
See you on the mat. ❤
Love and light,