Sat Nam, This week we work on in my opinion, the most important chakra the…
Finding Grace in the Turmoil
Sat Nam,
I’ve always believed my yoga mat is my gym for facing what life dishes out. It’s my safe space where I can allow myself to deal with the emotions that arise when I’m tested and confronted, whether it be a difficult pose, a heart opening mantra or by the challenge of sitting in the quiet with myself. I have had a plethora of emotions arise whilst on my mat, ranging from anger, frustration, peace, sadness, joy, love, denial, the feeling of defeat and the feeling of victory. I have completely broken down and broken open where pieces of me are strewn everywhere to be then slowly and lovingly put back together to become a more open, softer, lighter version of me.
I take what I learn about myself on the mat into the world and use my new found tools to support challenges that life throws at me. Whether it be personal challenges, community challenges or global challenges that affect my emotions I always seem to find a time where I had to deal with that emotion on my mat and learn from how I found Grace within the turmoil.
So when tension rose to sometimes great heights these last couple of weeks due to the global issues we are now facing, I took myself back to what I’ve learnt on the mat.
Yogi Bhajan talked allot about how important the Kundalini Teachings are for this era as we enter into the Aquarian Age. He described it as a challenging period of unrest globally which is why he was so determined to not only share the teachings as a support mechanism to deal with these challenging times, but to also encourage as many students as possible to become teachers so they could continue to share this technology far and wide.
This week I’ve been using a great emotional balancing, anger relieving pranayama (breath) that has an instant affect for me called Sitali breath, (also known as the cooling breath) which I’d like to share with you. To practice this breath sit in easy pose or a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, poke your tongue out of your mouth and roll it if you can (some people can’t do this so if you can’t just poke your tongue out) and slowly inhale through the rolled tongue and just as slowly exhale through the nose. It is designed to not only cool the body physically but also cool the anger and overwhelming emotions so you can deal with the situation at hand from a balanced state. Try it for 3 minutes and see how it works for you. ?
For the next three weeks, Yogi Maya will be away on a trip to the US and we wish her a safe and prosperous trip. Whilst she is away, I will be covering her Tuesday night classes.
Classes this week:
7.00pm Monday – Adette
7.00pm Tuesday – Adette (covering for Maya)
7.15am Friday – Bartek
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,