Sat Nam, This week we are working on the second body and the first of…
Yoga is my Health Insurance
Sat Nam,
This week I was thrilled to read a great article published by the Yoga Journal titled ‘Why more Western Doctors are now prescribing Yoga Therapy’. If you haven’t seen it, here’s the link:
I can attest to the amazing healing attributes of yoga, more specifically Kundalini Yoga as it changed my life!
Here are some of the positive changes I have experienced:
It has significantly healed and strengthened by back, helped me to breathe better, significantly reduced my anxiety levels, significantly reduced my panic attacks, healed my insomnia, strengthened my body and gave me more flexibility, increased my fitness level, I feel younger and full of energy, taught me how to relax, healed my sciatica, reduced my stress levels tenfold, has given me balance physically and emotionally, brought joy, released anger and sadness, brought peace, centred me, built confidence in myself, given me more awareness of myself and others, softened me, raised my consciousness, opened my heart so I’m a better more compassionate human being and so much more! It literally changed my life!
It was when l walked into my first Kundalini Yoga class in January 2012, with absolutely no preconceived idea of what I was about to experience, that my life started to dramatically change. I sat on my mat and looked around at a room full of people with head coverings and sheepskins on there mats and thought where have I landed! Kathryn McCusker my first teacher, sat down, tuned us in and my journey began. I breathed, performed strange postures, meditated and then deeply relaxed to the ethereal sounds of the gong. I walked out of that class feeling total peace and calm for the first time in my life and I was hooked! I started going around 4 times a week and as the weeks and months went by I started to notice the changes and so did the people close to me.
I decided to do teacher training to further understand this amazing technology and although I don’t know exactly why it works so well for me when not much else did, I do know I’m proof in the pudding that it does work.
So this is why I’m so excited that yoga is being recognised more and more as a serious healing tool by health professionals. As Yogi Bhajan says, “Keep up and you’ll be kept up” and Kundalini Yoga when kept up definitely keeps you up.
This Monday night at 7.00pm is the last Monday for the ‘free class for you and a friend’ offer for January. So, make the most of it, bring a friend and share these life changing teachings.
Classes this week:
7.00pm Monday – Adette
7.00pm Tuesday – Maya
7.00pm Thursday – Cancelled until further notice
7.15am Friday – Bartek
See you on the mat. ❤️
Love and light,