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December Astrology with Zoe Yelds

The beginning of December starts with the fire energy of Sagittarius. This energy is an active energy of exploration & discovery. The Sagittarius energy is said to be one of the most optimistic energies of the zodiac, as it is also the most curious.

This then becomes the best month of the year to explore or begin something that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time. Beginning a new hobby, starting to learn another language, learning to cook from different cultures are all great activities to get into in the first two weeks of December.

The Moon is also new as we move into the month. This will enhance the ability to get things started. You may have been feeling the challenges of the year and been on a bit of a roller coaster up until now. We are certainly living through a cycle of change.

The cycle of change we are working through this year, is the energy of the Pluto transit in Capricorn. This is a very slow moving transit and it will, as it progresses completely transform our way of living.

This energy is changing the structures, routines and foundations of how we have lived as a civilisation. The way through this transit is to begin to get comfortable with change. Allowing our lives to flow in directions we haven’t necessarily planned. We know as a species that we are living in a society where the pressure to perform & conform is reaching breaking point. Therefore change is inevitable but not necessarily comfortable.

Learn to be flexible, innovative and less controlling and we will come through the transit in a graceful flow of energy.

Whenever life goes in an unexpected direction or takes longer than we’d like to move forward we need to understand that this is an energetic moment. Try not to over think it, instead become an active energy observer. Observe how you feel from moment to moment rather than engaging the mind. Trust the unexpected go with it and watch to see where it takes you. If you can move forward you will be incredibly surprised by the journey.

When we resist or avoid change we create greater tension & greater stress. This energy is like a time bomb ticking & has to be expressed eventually. This is usually destructive energy & the outcome isn’t usually a pleasant experience.

The reason I talk about the Pluto transit for this month is because we will have a Mercury retrograde in Capricorn joining Pluto from the 19th of December through to the 8th of January.

From the 19th through to the end of December I encourage you to let go of moving your projects or energy forward & instead spend the last weeks of the month reviewing your year that has past.

Capricorn energy is goal driven. However Mercury retrograde is not forward moving energy. Its like an energetic pause.

Therefore with Mercury Retrograde joining Pluto both in Capricorn at the end of the month, setting goals after the 19th within will take longer to achieve.

Instead hold off of setting new goals until January when Mercury moves forwards. Avoid signing contracts or making major purchases in this time. If you have travel plans for the end of December go with the flow. You may experience challenges to timings & connections might not flow as easily. This is the energy of Mercury in retrograde so don’t take it personally.

Major disruptions within our personal lives or around the earth may occur in the final two weeks of December.

If we experience loss, or our goals fall short or if our life changes dramatically, we need to understand the energy of Pluto is working through us forcing us to step into a new world. Again I say, try to realise that this is cosmic & the best way to move through gracefully is to embrace the change. Look for the lessons & discover the silver lining that balances every dark cloud.

Changes aren’t always scary or hard. Often new babies are conceived or born, we celebrate a wedding, new job offers come up within such major transits. Look for the positives & they will be there for us this month as the Sagittarius Sun is in flow glow.

The full moon will be in Gemini on the 15th of December, so this is another reason for us to set our calendar to review and reflect on the year just past.

Review where our successes have been and where our challenges have presented to us this year.

This month we can congratulate ourselves for making it through a major year of change. Look for where we have changed our habits or patterns for the benefit of our life now.

Set an intention as the New Year begins to continue your new found flexibility into the new year. These changes are what life coaches call personal growth.

The kriya I will be working with this month is the Fire Tattva kriya to tune into this beautifully positive energy of Sagittarius.

The meditation & mantra Heart of Gratitude Ang Sang Wahe Guru for the lessons & the love experienced this year.

Well done us for growing through the events of 2016.

For consultations email me at I am available for long distance consultations via Skype.

Big Love and Peace,

Zoe Yelds

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