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October Astrology with Zoe Yelds

October begins with a beautiful new moon in in Libra. Joining with the Sun and Jupiter this suggests, that it will be the first month this year that we will truly feel the light coming into our days.

I don’t mean light relating to the Sun or the seasons, I mean light as an energy. Bright and expansive…
The cosmic energy for October is bringing us into the higher realms rather than the dark heavy energies we have be trudging through in the past few months.

What a relief!

This month is the final month in the gestation period of cosmic energy for this year. Meaning most of the hard work is over & now we can begin to enjoy the fruits of our labour.

What you should start to experience is a renewed life in some aspect. For some, it might have been a process of total change in many areas of life. This is all part of our evolution as a species. We are starting to stand up for what we need in life to feel balanced & harmonious. Living more by the decisions of the heart instead of the head or the ego. For those still living in the ego or the mind, life might be seeming an endless battle.

This month is governed by Venus. With the strong feminine energy bringing fertility & victory.

At the beginning of the month we have the Sun (who’s energy we feel immediately as its so close to the earth), Jupiter the planet of expansion (It has been said that Jupiter energy is so HUGE it may have been the planet responsible for the creation of Earth) and the Moon responsible for our emotional flow all in the sign of Libra. Bringing balance, harmony & justice into our daily lives.

This is an air energy so to get the most of this abundant cosmic flow I would recommend opening all the doors & windows to your home as much as possible in the first week of October.To invite fresh, new energy in. Replacing any old stagnant or stuck energy that you no longer need.

Use this month to be a time to connect with the people you love the most in activities that involve the arts. This is our month to go to art exhibitions & galleries. Go to see a symphony or the opera. If you drive with the radio on or listen to the music, I challenge you to change your music & choose to listen only to classical music. Eee what impact it has on your own energy & what opens up in life for you by changing your vibration through music. If you feel stressed, overwhelmed or upset this month classical music will be a powerful tool as it will connect you to the Libran & Venus energy of the cosmos.

Mercury (the communication planet) moves into Libra to join forces with the Sun & Jupiter on the 8th so make this the time to start communicating what you need. Expect big conversations to happen in the week that follows & feel free to express yourself openly. This will be a magical week to manifest.
The planet Venus resides in Scorpio for most of the month up until the 18th of October & this brings a depth of quality to our relationships. If you find yourself seeking the truth in relationships go with it.

If you discover within your relationships a darkness that your not sure about trust your intuition as it will also be strong with Venus in Scorpio. That means listen to your intuition & don’t be afraid of going deeper in your relationships. Often true intimacy lies in the deepest connections and this month is a great time to let your self go there with the ones you value the most.

The Full Moon will be opposite the Sun on the 16th. To stay balanced & calm on this day & the days leading up to this full moon we need to get in touch with our child like self & allow it to express itself. If your too serious over this Full Moon phase you might expect to have tears & tantrums, so lighten up with this full moon & find the fun in life.

An enjoyable month ahead as the seasons change again. Remember this month we can choose to stay light & bright, to not be weighed down by the dark or negative forces that will always exist around us. The key is choice. As the abundant light energy is available to harness if you choose to stay light!

To connect with this powerful bright light energy this month I can recommended working with the Bhakti Mantra Kriya each morning & evening.

To connect to the energy of the 10th body for transformations this month I’d recommend working with the Kriya for Co-Ordinating the Body, Mind & Soul.

For consultations email me at I am available for long distance consultations via Skype.

Big Love and Peace,

Zoe Yelds


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