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November Astrology Forecast with Zoe Yelds

November begins with a beautiful new moon in Scorpio. This is a powerful time of transformation and change on the deepest level and will have the ability to take us into the depth of our emotions.

The Sun and Mercury are also working through this Scorpion energy.

To understand this more we look at the nature of Scorpio. This is the ultimate zodiac energy of destruction at its most negative expression or transformation at its highest vibration.

To work well this energy and to harness its power at the highest level we are asked to look deep into ourselves & shine a light on an area that we have been too afraid to expose. Now with this transformative energy we are supported in actually opening up that aspect of our lives we’re most afraid of and work on exposing & healing it. This energy has the possibility of giving us access to our courage & assisting us to transform part of our lives that might be blocked or stuck or simply where the energy is not flowing.

We might find ourselves when the sun goes down engaging in conversations that open up greater understandings & deeper awareness. If your looking to find the truth in an issue or a situation this month is the month to keep your eyes open & your ears switched on as there will be information coming from unexpected places.

Go with the flow of this new understanding & it will lead you into a new cycle.

During the day we will feel a measure of renewed energy after deep dark evenings. We might also see that after deep conversations of the night the sun in the morning brings the new understanding and perspective to help us work through shifting patterns.

Be aware of who comes to speak with you this month & what they want to talk about. Choose your conversations wisely as to whether they are constructive or destructive. This month is also a time to find out who is working with you positively in life & who has a hidden agenda that might not be in your best interest.

The best time for letting go will be at the full moon which will occur on the 16th & 17th of the month in Gemini. As you let go of anything that no longer serves you with this full moon also at the same time open up the wish for something good to fill the space. When we release we create a void, which can often make up feel empty & lost. We can however fill the void with a new energy to keep the flow moving forward positively.

Spend the first two weeks of this month creating a list of everything you want to change or let go of. At the full moon burn the list & release it into the ether…This is a symbolic way of creating transformation in your life. Then with the last two weeks of the month starting on the 18th start to right a list of all the positive things you want to bring into your life.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on 22nd and with it will bring the fire energy of action. This will add to our energy of being about to integrate the new positive things we are bringing into our lives.

Finally at the end of the month on the 30th of November we will have the Sun, Moon, Mercury & Saturn all in Sagittarius the most positive sign of the zodiac. Once again burn your list of positive change on this day and trust that what you have worked on throughout November will begin to manifest.

A major month of transformation is here for us in November. After the challenges of the year so far this is the month to face it all, release it and create the new.

The meditation to support us through this month has to be the meditation for trust & the power of the word Wahe Guru Mantra I love the Nirinjan Kaur version.

The Kriya for Elevation, to assist us in tapping into the energy of our higher selves. You can find it on the website

The music I will be playing in the background at home each day and each time I burn my list at the full moon and again at the end of the month is the Maha Mrityunjai Mantra

Adette’s amazing image shows us the deep power of the ocean a perfect screensaver or meditation tool to connect with the energy of this November…

December has the possibility of fun & freedom if we shift our energy in the flow of the cosmos. I am reminded of the saying “Good things come to those who wait”
So while your waiting, allow your life to change, let go and trust that what we receive is part of our greater purpose.

Follow me on Facebook for regular updates to the creative cosmic flow Zoe Yelds

For consultations email me at I am available for long distance consultations via Skype.

Big Love and Peace,

Zoe Yelds

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