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September Astrology Report with Zoe Yelds

September begins with some major cosmic energies acting out around us.

For me it looks like a whirlpool of energy, swirling around the earth. At any moment you could get swept up in it. There is a level of fear and also excitement.

We may be feeling like something is changing or shifting in our lives & there hasn’t been a news report telling us what it is & what to do about it. So you can be forgiven this month, if you feel as though you’re not as in control as you would normally be.

We have the three major outer planets – Pluto, Uranus & Neptune – all retrograde.

This means they are not moving forward & where they are holding still they are creating pressure. This pressure will be playing out in an area of our lives & for each of us that may be different.

It all relates directly to how these planets are influencing each individual’s chart.

For example, we might be feeling as if changes are happening or pressure is building in our relationships, for some it could be in health, others it might be in career.

Take a moment & think about where it is happening for you…

For some of us it might feel as though it’s very subtle & hard to work out. For others it might be so obvious it feels as though that area is about to explode.

Mercury adds to the retrograding planets again this month & this adds another level of pressure.

As a general rule of thumb, when Mercury retrogrades: plans come to a halt, projects you have been working on all of a sudden become challenging with complications arising that were not expected, travel plans need to be changed and/or general emails & conversations take twice as long to happen.

This is because there are times in the year when we need to stop and review our plans, projects & goals. We get on such a roll that we can miss important details or information that is needed for us to achieve success or growth in life.

Mercury retrograde then becomes a time to observe. When obstacles arise, instead of becoming frustrated we choose to respect the obstacle as a caution to do some more research before trying to move forward.

Working with this energy means accepting the challenges as they arise & working with them rather than against them. This then teaches us to be flexible, to be thorough and more accepting. All are key qualities for happiness & success.

To add to these retrograding planets now in September, we have the eclipse season here again.

The value of the eclipses is to bring out & up things from the shadows from the darkness into the light. The energy force of the eclipse season often brings major endings & therefore new beginnings. This is a pattern of energy that began with the first round of Solar & Lunar eclipses at the end of March & into April.

Reflecting back to March/April this year & what the major events were, you will discover that these may be brought back to us this month. To revisit the experiences and help us complete the lessons.

Now is a time to recognise any conditioning that no longer serves us. Then to choose to evolve & grow. This is the mission of the eclipse seasons & retrograding energies. It can be a demanding time and/or invigorating time.

If we use this understanding and create changes, letting go of the old. Choosing to take on all & any learning. Embracing new ways, concepts & situations we will move through September feeling empowered & fulfilled.

If you can answer these questions you are going to work through September powerfully.

1. What area of my life do I feel pressure?
2. What is my usual way of coping or dealing with this kind or pressure or situation?
3. How can I handle this pressure or situation in a different way?
4. What is coming to an end in my life?
5. Am I allowing the natural flow of energy to let this ending happen or am I holding on?
6. If I am holding on does it feel good to hold on or is it something I know I need to let go of?
7. What does my heart feel & need in this situation?
8. Am I nurturing myself?
9. How can I nurture myself more?

Energy by nature needs to move and flow. When it gets stuck or blocked it builds up pressure. As the pressure builds it has to go somewhere & gets released in a volatile & sometimes destructive way.

The pressure will build this month through to the 17th with the lunar eclipse & the 22nd of September when Mercury moves forward. Taking care of ourselves gently from 16th through till the 24th will be of the utmost importance. The questions above will be particularly relevant in this week.

Pluto, the planet of transformations, has been retrograde & subtly but powerfully causing pressure on us to change since the 17th of April. It will move forward on 27th of September.

At the end of the month we may start to feel and accept that changes have to happen, for the flow of energy to return.

Go with this understanding & allow any changes to occur. Letting go now will be vital to a positive future. Burying our heads in the sand, holding on or ignoring situations as they occur may lead to a destructive energy or negative experiences. Being conscious & choose to accept life day-to-day as it is will allow a graceful transition.

This year, change is inevitable & this month will highlight areas that need work to change.

The question ultimately is: are we going to stay the same, rigid in our patterning, or are we going to accept the changes & ride them? As if we’re teenagers on a roller coaster – expecting the thrill, facing our fears & moving into October on a high…

This is the perfect month to be working on a detox to use the cosmic energies to assist with letting go on a cellular level. This will assist our transformations.

It is a powerful month of energies. If your system is very sensitive, take it easy & detox gradually otherwise it could become overwhelming.

The Kriya for Grounding & Eliminating a Healthy Bowel works on the base chakra. The base chakra connects us to the Earth and supports transformation. It gives us stability & security. I believe this Kriya once a week in September should be an addition to our regular practice.

We have The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter & Pluto all in Earth signs.

If you feel overwhelmed take your shoes off & walk barefoot, feeling the nourishment from the earth. Eat root vegetables & heavy foods and get plenty of rest.

The WaheGuru Meditation for Transformation as a daily practice will assist us through the transits this month.

Check out Yogi Bhajan Learn to be you …

For consultations, email me at I am available for long distance consultations via Skype.

Big Love and Peace,

Zoe Yelds

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